Woe is me, with my old Type 40  

Apparently, my TARDIS didn't realize that it shouldn't malfunction when I have holidays. Not that this is the first time that's happening. I really need to go back to Gallifrey and get the guidance system looked at. Instead of the quiet mountain retreat (with internet connection!) for which I set my coordinates, it ended up materializing in a dingy server room at work! What's worse, the room was crammed with engineers attempting to fix a slew of new-year bugs in various live projects and they weren't about to pass up the opportunity of a Timelord helping them. Even though I tried to tell them that I cannot work without my access credentials (I was silently thanking the person who forgot to extend it), they insisted that it would be simple enough for me to work through the ancient means of email and IM. Add to that the absence of a robot like K-9 and no wonder the Timelords consider Earth to be so primitive!

Still, all's well that end's well and that ending is well in sight now. If I can somehow manage to sneak into my TARDIS, I can try to go back to the time before the holidays and this time, make sure the guidance system works correctly or in the worst case, make sure that at least the chameleon circuit works so that TARDIS looks just like another piece of furniture and I don't have to come out!

A more detailed update will follow soon.


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